Friday, October 24, 2008

We Are Having A Press Conference With Mr. Peasah of Ghana, and Oriental Trading Company!

Wow! We here at Someplace Special are now getting ready for the arrival of The Oriental Trading Company as well as the great Mr. Eric Peasah of Ghana. We are having a celebration in my store on Wednesday October 29th at 10:00 for the Oriental Trading Company to present checks to Mr Peasah and to me. I am hoping there will be a decent press turn-out, as well as some of you showing up to share in the fun!

After all, the contest was to MAKE THE WORLD MORE FUN! and hopefully, that is what I did.

If you want to make any donations to Mr. Peasah for the fine work he does in rescuing children that have been sold into forced labor, you are invited to do so. I would be happy to give the checks personally to Mr. Peasah. Or you can give them to him!

What an honor for me!

Or you can donate directly to USAIM, or the IOM. In the meantime, you can check out the page that Oriental Trading did about me and my store, and the work I do.

On A Different Note
Finally, you don't have to go downtown to buy them!
In the store we are now selling great wooden trains made by munipals with all of your favorite subway lines. The A, the 1, the 4, and others. They are wonderful and well made, and will fit on your Thomas the Tank Engine and Brio track. Don't forget we also have inexpensive loose track made by Melissa and Doug to add to your Thomas and Brio collections. Come in and take a look.

Or just come in and play!

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